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“Existence Of Ones Reality” 

Thought’s that come into existence of ones reality  by thought.
Which comes into ones life by thinking.
We chose our life by thinking and creating a  thought that come in to reality.
Whether it may be wise or be unfocussed of our  own being.
Being blinded of what we are seeing and not  realizing what we should see!
Excuses are not the reality of the self they are  denial of self. 
Trusting the self of not having faith in ones self!
The jealousy that brings fear and misery will bring  mistrust.
Controlling is over bearing of others and not  having freedom of ones own reality.
Love is blind to one that is so infatuated that  reality is not real.
Stealing is the attention of not loving.
Lying to make up something that one must and  feel they must have to their way to get around the  truth of what really matters.
Cheating is to hurting the self-ego in return  hurting others in their reality.
It is the one thing that we create to get what we  want because we are not satisfied of our own  being.
In which we chose and create our own life in  reality of life.
Love is spiritual, mentally and physical in which  we have to strife within our selves to create!
It comes from the self to create the light of love  that is shown within the self.
The loving soul comes within this world to learn  the expense of life but in physical form.
And leaves the physical world to the unknown  universe of it own reality of light.
For love is truth of ones mind in the reality of ones  self.
And all truth is love of all things, which is created  by the essences of love and ones reality.        

Written by,
Sharon Ann Cressy 
Time 4:30 AM
January 28, 2008


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